An Earth Shattering Strike – January 468 AV

Kimeya snuck away from the campfires being hastily set up around the Resistance camp and crept to the edge of a look out point, looking to see for themselves the reason for their hurried evacuation from their home . The ridge was covered over with bushes and trees, however, even in the fading light of the day and driving rain, The Battle of Luna’s Stand could be seen in the valley below.

The blood red of Escari tabards stood out among the trees, a wave of blackened carapace Scourge followed, small in number but tearing through the dense undergrowth like it were mere twigs. The largest of these effortlessly snapping the thick trunks of trees in their huge clawed talons.

Outside a small number of hunters from the Stand, mercenaries, Resistance and an odd man in gold stood and held the line. A strange woman, an actual living fae some of the adults had whispered, had been gathering as many of the populace as possible and transporting them here. She said she would continue until they were all safe no matter what. She had promised.

Some of the Escari fell before they even reached the threshold, the roots and branches of trees reaching out and grabbing the dogmen and pushing them kicking and screaming into the dirt until their bodies suddenly became still. Others still caught in traps hidden in the undergrowth. A few more fell to the quick blades of a pair of warriors who appeared one second and disappeared the next. But while this thinned out their numbers, the horde pushed on to Luna’s Stand with little resistance.

“Oh young one, isn’t it a bit too soon for you to see the sights of war.”

Kimeya jumped, startled by a woman in a black hooded cloak leaning against a tree reading a book in her hands.

“I saw the liberation through a crack in the door last year. And I heard tales of the battles fought when the Escari came. I am brave and when I grow up I’m going to be a ranger and have adventures carrying messages between the Delves.” Kimeya said, their gaze returning to the battle below. The line was now in thick fighting with the Escari. The Resistance leading the charge.

The woman smiled and crouched beside the child.

“A strong concept”

The Scourge now reached the defenders on the edge of Delve mercenaries and hunters began to fall and the Resistance began to take injuries. The line still held firm. The largest of the beasts now lumbered towards the Delve, Escari escorting it through the fighting.
Behind the two watching on the hill there was a shimmer as another group of evacuees materialised from the trees. Among them the strange fae woman collapsed to her knees exhausted.

“War claims many sacrifices’ and the toll is often more than just blood and bone. Friendships, family, homelands – sometimes each candle will gutter until all that is left is the darkness of despair.” The woman in black told him as the fae disappeared back through the trees and the Resistance encircled the large clawed beast, holding it back from the Stand. Their blows rained down on it, men and woman from the Wastes, Cinnea and the Delvings striking in unison calling on the Illaci wargod’s blessing. A shinning blade wielded by the horned Waster catching the light of day in the blade itself and leading the blows, cracking the thick hide and eventually felling the beast.

The fae woman appears with them then, exhausted. There is a frantic exchange of words. The Resistance and the few hunters still remaining go with her. All carrying wounds and carrying those that cannot carry themselves between them.

Another wave of beasts emerged from the east and breached the Delve. The man in gold remains his staff held high above his head chanting and bringing a mighty blow down upon the threshold.

For a moment there was a stillness before the shaking began. He turned and walked away vanishing among the trees as the cracked crater opened in the earth. Rocks crumbled and liquid fire gushed up from the belly of stone. Shrieks, clicks, shouts and screams filled the air as the rock of Luna’s Stand collapsed down into itself, becoming a tomb to those that besieged her. A tomb that was pulled down deep into the open maw of the earth.

The child cried watching their home crumble to dust.

“However there is sometimes an ember left. A spark that ignites hope and passion, courage and will. Friends and enemies stand united against a common foe. The ember becomes a flame that can push back the tide of darkness.”
The woman in black gestured back to the camp.

Slowly, Kimeya realised that everyone had made it out of Luna’s Stand alive, save the few lost holding the line. The Resistance appeared in the middle of the camp. The fae collapsed, unconscious, the last of her energy spent. Delvers applauded and rushed to aid the injured heros in equal measure.

The woman rose to her feet and walked to the treeline, fading into the dark shadows and her voice carrying on the wind.

“Remember the tale of what you have seen today. It will be the spark in dark days to come”