The Night of the Long Staffs (July 467AV)

The night of the 8th of July, 467AV would be remembered in history as the night of the long staffs. El Kebir was ready for action, their liberation at hand. All it needed was one final push. The Resistance delivered that push. In the dead of night a boat dropped three men silently ashore. One a mage of the desert Wastes, the second a mage of Ilac city and the third a spy from the Duchy of Archion. Together they entered the city and quietly removed three of the Scourge’s most dangerous agents. Kishef Dirzen, the seer responsible for the failure of many previous attempts to rebel, was taken out in his own home. Next the three brazenly butchered Teemo, the infamous slave trader, infront of his own men in his own tavern before storming the palace itself and slaying the dreaded spy and intelligence agent Shereti.

Voices raised in long held back anger rose up across the city, coming alive with fires and torches. Escari were dragged from their bunks in the middle of the night and put to the knife. The Alpha Grond Tekula managed to pull together a large portion of his troops and began to fight back from the barracks. The fighting would last for just over a week, many soldiers of El Kebir died. But such is the price of freedom and no soldier regretted their part in liberating their home and their people. On the morning of the seventh day of fighting, the Alpha was captured. Dragged before the people, his hands were removed and impaled for all to see and soon his head followed, mounted high as a warning to any Escari who would dare set foot on this island again.

With the Escari no longer in the city, Sheik Cisneros began to lead his people into rebuilding their lives in freedom once more. The De Costa blockade disappeared, their ships returning home to prepare for what would come next. The great port of El Kebir is open to the Resistance, to Ilac and to all others who would oppose the Scourge. Cisneros’ army took a blow retaking the city, the Alpha putting up quite the fight. But they are victorious and stand ready to fight, albeit with depleted numbers currently. The De Costa are no longer maintaining a blockade and such their army and fleet stand ready to move.