You can call me Guide – July 466AV

Delver scouts had been following the ever encroaching force of Escari with what appeared a human mage giving grudgingly accepted orders for about a week. They were looking for something in the centre of the forests and the very spirits arose in anger to prevent their passage.
Once they dared close enough they found the reason. The ritual that bound a great evil was to be broken and the knowledge of the key was held by the spirit of the Heartwood. The horror of the thought of tainting of an ancient forest spirit could not be contained and they were discovered.
They ran, 3 humans and a felidi, spliting up and using their forest cunning and knowlede of the Delves to their advantage. The message must get back to someone and as screams of the captured rang in his ears a young scout disappeared into the deepest roots of the forest.
A week passed, keeping hidden in a grove of trees and taking shelter in an old hollowed trunk split by the storm. The last of his rations gone and the pangs of hunger and thirst set in. He heard the Ecari howling in the dark and dared not move.
Finally he felt the need to risk looking for water and carefully made his way out of the tree. So when he turned and saw the brown cloaked and hooded woman standing there holding out a flask of water and her companion with a staff and furred mantle standing behind her. He fumbled for his weapons in alarm. Then laughed as he believed himself delerious.

“Take it, drink” she said

He tentitively took the flask from her and upon tasting the sweet, clean water he emptied the flask as she spoke.

“The message got through. The Resistance have sent Delver agents to aid the Heartwood. They have chosen wisely on behalf of your people and the spirit has a new host. It’s wisdom will not be lost.”

The scout frowns slightly and questions the woman.

“So you two are with the Resistance, then?”

There was a small smile beneath the woman’s hood.

“In a maner of speaking. I would not force the contract.”

She produced a small pack of trail rations from a satchel and handed them to the scout who devoured them.

“My concern now however is to get you home. You may call me Guide.”